School Vending Machines Health .....
There has been long talks and much time and research done with
School Vending Machines regarding health
There has been a vending machine project which Anne Mattews has
been appointed from the the British Heart Foundation as its independent
evaluator. She had to select 3 schools as a study for her case
in a deep examination. She will regularly visiting the schools
throughout the project
Alan Johnson (Government Education Secretary) published a report
on new minimum nutrition standards for school food. This was to
ensure healthier eating
throughout the school day. The report bans meals that are high
in salt, fat and sugar or that contain low quality meat.
On June 22nd 2005 doctors urged the government to ban school
vending machines that sell unhealthy fizzy drinks, snacks and
to introduce mandatory nutrition guidelines for all school meals.
It has been estimated by doctors that there are now around 1
million obese children under the age of 16. This is a situation
they say has led to an increase in the number of cases of young
people with type two diabetes.
The fight against childhood obesity puts increased pressure on
the government and follows the success of the campaign for better
school meals earlier this year by the celebrity chef Jamie Oliver.
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