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PAT Safety Test Information Page 1

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PAT Safety Test Information Page 1

A quarter of all serious electrical accidents involve portable electrical appliances. There is a requirement for an employer to take adequate steps to protect the users of those appliances from both electrical shock and fire hazards.

To meet the requirements of both existing legislation and the new 'Electricity at Work Regulations 1989' which came into force on April I 1990. it is widely regarded to be necessary to implement a programme of planned inspection and testing of portable appliances. Guidelines for this inspection and testing are given in the Health & Safety Executive publication - PM32 - entitled The safe use of portable appliances'.

These guidelines outline a typical appliance testing programme and recommended test method for equipment manufactured by Four Square.

The responsibility for ensuring that all electrical appliances, regardless of type, manufacturer or owner, on a site are electrically safe and are maintained in an electrically safe condition by regular testing, lies with the person with overall executive responsibility for safety policy on the site and the 'responsible' person charged with implementing the policy on the site.

Note: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, it is given for guidance only, and the user should satisfy themselves that any tests and/or test programme carried out satisfy the requirements of the regulations. Four Square cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage arising from these guidelines.

Suggested test equipment

Many, types of portable appliance testers are available for carrying out electrical safety tests. Any tester that carries out the 2 basic tests described in the following section should be suitable for testing Four Square equipment.

These testers have the facility for connecting the equipment under test to the tester via a 13 A socket on the tester. Any Four Square equipment, which has a 13 A plug on the mains supply lead, can be treated as a portable appliance and tested with a portable appliance tester. Equipment, which has been, installed with a connection other than a 13 A plug and socket cannot be connected to the portable appliance tester and should be dealt with as a non-portable appliance as detailed in the next section.

Any PAT unit must be itself, regularly tested and calibrated.

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