No More Junk Food In School Vending Machines .....
Due to the amount of the research and information released about
junk food which has so easily been on offer at schools
there has been a lot of change over the last few years. There
is a demand for the reduction of junk food in schools.
A lot of the junk food which was sold in schools across the UK
has been largely sold through vending
machines. These vending machines
over the last few years have started to be replaced with alternative
vending machines. These new vending machines can cater for a range
of health option foods. Such as healthy sandwiches and drinks.
A new range of vending machine
has been designed and built called the "Manea
Vending Machine". These new machines have been built
for a health range of products. They can also be used to sell
objects or items such as swim wear. They do not just have to sell
food or drinks. They have a lift built in them to cater for a
whole range of products.
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