Flavia Drink Station ....
The key to the Flavia drinks station is the Flavia filter pack.
The patented FLAVIA® Filterpack protects and preserves the
essence of the flavor all the way from bean to cup. It is vacuum-
sealed to capture the aroma and freshness and to guarantee each
beverage tastes just as good as the last.
Every filterpack contains a single portion of the finest gourmet
coffee, leaf tea, hot cocoa or creamy topping.
Each filterpack has its own filter that opens automatically when
piping-hot water is pumped in and the beverage gently filters
through into the cup in order to deliver an excellent cup of drink.
Our drink prices are extremely competitive and we offer customer
The latest flavia machine out on the market at the moment is
the Flavia Creation. This machine looks the part and certainly
delivers an excellent drink.
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